Fabulous Floors Magazine Fabulous Floors Fall 2016 | Page 6

Live Naturally Choose Wool |

The Royal Declaration for Natural Wool

The wonderful and historic story of naturally grown wool is really one of the most amazing that nature offers . Grown on sheep , harvested annually through shearing for good animal husbandry and then transformed into the most superb performance textiles — there is no better — environmentally friendly , recycling story in the world than wool .

We live in a world where there are so many choices and competition from alternative textile fibres is huge . Also the need to fulfil the environmental tick box is becoming vital and as you may appreciate , so called ‘ green ’ products are everywhere .
But wool has served its time . Proving over the centuries that it will indeed outlast other fibres . This enduring quality is due to its origin , its versatility and its practicality . Wool is grown , it is not a manmade fibre and that description — means a synthetic fibre made from oil . True sustainability lends a continuous line of supply that is naturally renewable . Naturally grown wool is not depleting reserves of fossil fuels and plundering supplies that may be needed for more vital functions than the production of carpet and clothing . Wool will be there for future generations .
Wool growing is simplicity itself — it grows naturally on a sheep — just like your hair grows — and is an annually restored protective layer for the sheep . However , it should be appreciated that maintaining these growers of wool is a serious business . Our global flock of sheep is managed by dedicated sheep farmers and it is their work and endeavours that ensure that every year there is a fresh supply of new wool for the international textile industry .
Fashion , flooring , furnishing fabrics and indeed , all things fabulous that are made with this wonderful fibre depend on the good work of the sheep farming community . It was this community that the Campaign for Wool set out to support in 2010 and ensure that wool ’ s unique message of natural sustainability and environmental importance was upheld .
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