Juice Can Be
I was ready an article about how fruit juice has a bad
reputation, it is high in sugar, its causing obesity in children,
and people are comparing it to other sugary beverages such as
sodas. I personally have never been a fan of giving my child a
lot of fruit juice, however the recommended 4-6oz of 100%
fruit juice is packed with nutrients. Is fruit juice high in
sugar? Yes, but compared to sodas or sweet tea, 100% fruit
juice is a better option. In my home we offer water or 1%
milk, and encourage eating whole fruits. Now do we have
100% fruit juice in our home, absolutely, we all enjoy a little
juice every now and then. Don't be scared to have or give a
little fruit juice, I always say everything in moderation. As for
other sugary beverages, like soda and sweet tea, offer none or
very little as it is high in sugar and low in nutrients.
Check out the link for more information about Healthy
Drinks-> https://healthydrinkshealthykids.org/parents/
AND the Article I read->https://fruitsandveggies.org/stories/