1 . The offers in this voucher book are only available to Costco members . If your membership has expired you can renew at any Costco warehouse or online at costco . co . uk .
2 . The offers are valid for the period set out on the front of this booklet and the individual vouchers . There is no need to cut out the vouchers as they will automatically be deducted at the tills . Prices correct at the time of publication and may be subject to change .
3 . Please note maximum purchase deals may apply to certain items in the booklet . Look out for the item maximum deals per household on the face of each voucher .
4 . Our computer systems track the number of times offers have been used , and will charge you full price for any products over the offer limit . Additional booklets do not increase the maximum for cardholders .
5 . Vouchers have no cash alternative value . Whilst we have attempted to anticipate additional demand for products featured in these vouchers , the offers and Hot Buys are subject to availability of products in the warehouse .
6 . HMRC “ rounding ” rules stipulate that the VAT ( and therefore the overall price ) payable on items bought as part of a multiple item purchase can be fractionally higher compared to the VAT on single items purchased separately as noted on price labels and vouchers . For details please see our guide on “ How we calculate VAT ”.
7 . We take reasonable precautions to ensure that goods and services are fairly and accurately described in this book or on our website and that they are available at the prices listed . However ,
please note that , subject to applicable law , we : ( a ) reserve the right to change the goods and services advertised or offered for sale in this book or through our website without any prior notice , the prices or specifications of such goods and services , and any promotional offers at any time without any notice or liability to you or any other person . Subject to applicable law , we : ( a ) do not warrant that this book or the Site Materials ( including but without limitation to product descriptions , photographs and product user guides ) are accurate , complete , reliable , current or error-free ; and ( b ) reserve the right not to process orders , and to revise orders or recover funds where the price or other material information in this book or our website is inaccurate or when we recognise there has been a material error or breach of these offers or of our Site Terms .
* 8 . Costco . co . uk online-only Hot Buy offers are limited to availability . While we have attempted to anticipate additional demand for products featured , the offers may sell out before booklet expiry . Products sold online may have different pricing than the same products sold at your local Costco warehouse due to shipping and handling fees charged for delivery .
9 . With effect from 2nd March 2020 Minimum Unit Price is a legal requirement in Wales . This legal requirement already exists in Scotland , therefore please be aware there is a different pricing structure for alcohol in our Cardiff , Aberdeen , Glasgow and Edinburgh warehouses .
Concierge Services Technical Support Freephone 0800 066 5091
Advertised price is available only in warehouse . Online price may vary due to delivery .
Valid 17 February - 16 March 2025