F. U. N with Science F.U.N With Science_1_FINAL_UPDATE v3 | Page 4

Serenity’s Adventures T his is the story of Seren- ity, who was drinking a blackcurrant box juice in her chemistry labo- ratory one day (which was against the rules). Upon being spotted by her teacher as he en- tered the lab, Serenity panicked and dumped her juice into a nearby sink. What happened next amazed her. The liquid in the sink, which was originally purple, began to quick- ly turn green. Caught up in her amazement and forgetting that she had not only been caught breaking the rules but had tried to avoid getting caught by spilling her juice, she approached her teacher and asked him to explain the re- action she had seen in the sink. Her teach- er was still upset that she had been drinking in the lab when she should not have been, but was pleased by the opportunity she had given him, by providing the perfect teaching aid to explain the topic for the day: acid-base indicators. The teacher proceed- ed to divide the class into small groups and gave each group three (3) test tubes each. He then proceeded to give each group three samples, an acid (HCl), water (H 2 O) and a base (NaOH). Each group was given a small volume of black- currant juice to add to each of the test tubes. In each case, the stu- dents recorded what happened when the juice was added to the samples: it retained its purple colour when added to the acid or water, while it turned green when added to