Emergency Essentials for Off-Roading
Some of the most necessary items to carry when off-roading in the backcountry are emergency items , especially when exploring in remote areas or in the high country where temperatures and trail conditions can fluctuate wildly . Emergency essentials we recommend carrying on your vehicle include :
First-Aid Kit There are many offerings on the market for first-aid kits , but we recommend sticking with one designed for adventures , such as the kits offered by Adventure Medical or My Medic . Important factors for choosing a first-aid kit should include portability and durability with a protective , padded carrying case that ’ s easy to access when needed . Work
Fire Making Supplies You never know when a vehicle breakdown or other trail mishap can lead to an unplanned overnight stay . That ’ s why it ’ s important to carry a kit with the necessary supplies needed to start a fire . Food and Water – Packing the bare essentials like food and water should be an integral part of planning any backcountry Overlanding adventure . No matter if you ’ re headed out for a few hours or a few days , planning ahead with extra food and water can be the difference between comfort and crisis .
Light or Headlamp Another emergency essential is a quality work light or headlamp for those after-hours emergencies and repairs in the dark . When purchasing a flashlight or headlamp , be sure to consider size , weight , battery life , recharging method , and candlepower ( brightness ).
Blankets and Layers A compact and efficient emergency solar blanket is another item that should be a part of your emergency essentials or , at the very least extra base layers in the event of extreme temperature changes .