F_E3_CAM_ISSUE 8_magazine | Page 61

What are my options for RV protection ?
RV Protection Perks
Plan Ahead For Peace of Mind

What are my options for RV protection ?

There are a couple of different methods RVers take to plan ahead for RV repair costs .
First , do your best to keep your rig in top condition so you can try to avoid some of these issues . Always perform your maintenance on time and according to the owner ’ s manual for your specific unit . And keep in mind that maintenance doesn ’ t end with oil changes — most manufacturers will recommend filter cleanings and replacements , checking your weather-stripping and other seals for cracks and damage , tire checks , and more .
Then , many RVers use the “ wait and see ” plan . If you feel confident in your budget being able handle these repair costs , you can hit the road and deal with them as they come along . It ’ s important to be honest with yourself , your bank account , and the expected costs of RV repair and travel .
Or , you can look into RV protection programs . These policies are called RV extended service contracts or RV extended warranties , and they cover the cost of most mechanical failures in exchange for a premium and per-visit deductible .
At the end of the day , whether you choose to protect your rig with an RV warranty or not , it ’ s worth it to know your options . Work with a provider who focuses on education and customer service , and ask them to walk you through the different levels of coverage available . RV warranties are offered in a range of coverage levels , from the most comprehensive down to listed component policies that just cover specific areas of your rig , like coach-only policies or powertrain component coverage . Getting a quote is often free , and allows you to learn more about what is available , how it fits into your travel budget , and what value peace of mind holds for your life on the road .

RV Protection Perks

Of course , the biggest perk to RV protection products is that they pick up those often very expensive repair bills we ’ ve been talking about . It doesn ’ t get much better than someone else paying the bill !
But , there ’ s an overlooked benefit to holding coverage when it comes to those repair facility visits : If you choose coverage from a provider like Wholesale Warranties , the policy will allow you to take your unit to any licensed repair facility in the US or Canada . And , if you ’ re having trouble finding a place to go , you can work with your warranty rep to find a facility in your area . Once there , the claims adjustor at your warranty company takes over — they handle communication with the mechanic , determining fair labor and part costs , approving covered components , and payment over the phone . Not every traveler is an expert in how RVs work , and most RVers report not really feeling confident at a repair shop . It can be a great benefit to have that RV adjustor and repair expert in your corner when and if your RV does break down .
No one likes to have their home-on-wheels at a repair shop , but a warranty can help remove some of the financial and mental stresses that come with breakdowns .

Plan Ahead For Peace of Mind

So how do you plan ahead for repair costs ? Knowledge ! Know that RVs break down , have an idea of what those costs might be and how that affects your personal budget , and look into RV extended warranties to see if they are a good fit for your life on the road .
WHOLESALE WARRANTIES is a leading provider of RV Extended Warranties direct to consumers . With a focus on education , customer service , and reliable coverage , Wholesale Warranties has established itself as the premier option for RVers looking to protect the road ahead . To work with an RV Warranty Specialist on a free customized quote for your home-on-wheels visit wholesalewarranties . com .