F_E3_CAM_ISSUE 8_magazine | Page 5

“ An hour of planning can save you 10 hours of doing .”

by Tricia Leach

Everyone wants to get more done in less time — just look at the sheer volume of books , podcasts , and online courses on time management . But you don ’ t need a complicated system to accomplish what ’ s most important to you .

Our best tip for getting more done in the time you have is one we should follow more often ourselves : make a plan . If just the word “ planning ” makes you feel trapped , don ’ t worry — a little bit of planning goes a long way . ( It usually saves some cash , too !)
Marc and I usually fly by the seat of our pants , but we still make plans around the things that matter most . We call these our “ big rocks ”: family events , goals , and activities we know we want to prioritize each year .
This year , however , planning is even more important than usual . Some national parks have new entry rules requiring reservations , the cost of fuel has gone up , and more RVers have decided to plan for a summer at home instead of abroad .
You don ’ t have to go crazy with it , but just a bit of planning will save you money , time , and stress . In our family , we call this a “ craftsman mindset .”
We mean that it ’ s up to us to make things happen . We ’ re in control — not other people or random life events . That way , when we figure out a solution to a tricky problem , we get a sense of victory . The alternative is thinking we ’ re powerless , which usually just leads to disappointment and hopelessness .
So make a plan and hop behind the wheel . You ’ re in control of your adventure , and this month ’ s issue was created with you in mind . In these pages , you ’ ll find resources to support you as you navigate the best path down the road ahead .
No matter where this season of life finds you , we hope you always approach your next adventure with excitement . Making memories with loved ones is the essential part , and it ’ s worth every bit of flexibility , creative thinking , and planning that goes into it .
See you out there ! Marc & Tricia