03 Paint Your RV Wood Cabinets
Are you tired of the honey wood or dark cabinets in your RV ? There ’ s a pretty simple fix — you can paint them !
The first step is to decide what colors you want to use on your RV cabinets . You might consider painting your upper cabinets a light color like white and your lower cabinets a darker color to add some decorator-style !
Also , consider buying new cabinet handles to replace old ones . This can make a huge difference and really customizes your RV kitchen without a significant cost !
Prepare RV Cabinets For Painting
• Remove all cabinet doors and label them with painter ’ s tape showing where you removed them from .
• Using a drill , remove all the hardware off of the cabinet doors .
• Lay the cabinet doors on a painter ’ s drop cloth in a well-ventilated area .
• Peel those painter tape location labels that you put on each cabinet door off and stick them next to each door on the drop cloth .
Remove Old Varnish
• You can sand them if you wish , but I found it easier to use a stripping product ( I used a product called Dad ’ s , but there are lots of different brands out there like Krud Kutter ), wipe down the cabinet doors to strip them of old varnish .
• After stripping the old varnish , paint the cabinet doors with an oil-based primer . Use a small brush for the detail and corner areas and a small roller for the larger flat areas . Again , it ’ s very important that you are working in a well-ventilated area .
• Once you are done with one side of the cabinet doors , go inside and , after opening all windows to allow ventilation , wipe the cabinet bases with the stripping product .
TIP : Be very careful to protect your surrounding floors and countertops well . If you drip any of the varnish stripper on the floor it will damage it . I learned the hard way to use a painter ’ s drop cloth and plastic sheeting since the stripper can eat right through the plastic .