eZWay Magazine Jan. 2016 | Page 76

Avenue Ent ert ainment / Management Company Int roduct ion: Avenue Ent ert ainment / Management bet t er known as (AEM) was f ounded by Indust ry vet eran Ryan Torres in t he year 2009. AEM is a dedicat ed and advanced management company t hat special izes in al l f acet s of t he ent ert ainment indust ry, bringing peopl e t oget her t o f ul f il l t heir goal s and visions. Est abl ished and wel l -grounded AEM has t he ent husiasm, insight and knowl edge t o guide t heir cl ient s f rom t heir f irst moment of inspirat ion, t o successf ul compl et ion of t heir art ist ic t al ent s or project s. AEM has represent ed est abl ished act ors/ act resses who have st arred in major mot ion pict ures, such as Pirat es of t he Caribbean's "The Curse of t he Bl ack Pearl ", Pl anet of t he Apes, Anger Management , Heat , The Wat cher, Wayne?s Worl d 2, Shark At t ack, Cabin Fever, The Furnace, U.S. Seal s, Bat man Ret urns, Rocky V., Die Hard 2, Rambo III, Cobra, Tango & Cash, and Roadhouse,(t o name a f ew). AEM al so represent s act ors/ act resses who st arred as series regul ars, Guest St ar, Co-St ar, or Re-occurring rol es in past and current major net work Tel evision shows, recent l y TNT?s hit drama, Rizzol i and Isl es, CSI, CSI New York, 24, The Shiel d, Homicide, St rong Medicine on Lif et ime, Bost on Publ ic, Buf f y t he Vampire Sl ayer, Crossing Jordan, HBO'S East bound & Down, Baywat ch, Days of our Lives, General Hospit al , The Young and t he Rest l ess, and many more. AEM has al so worked wit h Writ ers, Producers, and Direct ors in t he Direct ors Guil d of America, DGA. AEM st rongl y bel ieves and st rives t o hel p buil d, market and brand t he careers of aspiring ent ert ainers f rom t he st art t o f inish AEM has assist ed in obt aining Taf t Hart l ey, SAG vouchers, SAG cards, IMDB credit s, Feat ure Fil ms, and Nat ional Commercial s, f or t heir cl ient s. They have al so discovered and devel oped current st ars and act ors f rom t heir beginning st ages t o Cel ebrit y st at us. AEM is al so af f il iat ed wit h major f il m producers and writ ers on t heir f eat ure f il ms, hel ping t o secure f inancing/ f unding, f or product ion/ p&a monies, as wel l as dist ribut ion Domest ic and Int ernat ional f or various project s l ooking t o hit t he market pl ace. In concl usion, Avenue Ent ert ainment Management is known t hroughout t he indust ry f or t heir qual it y and t enacit y in every endeavor t hey undert ake. Their t eam provides t he t ool s and resources needed t o enhance your t al ent and bring your project s t o f ruit ion. Facebook: Aem Ryan Torres Twit t er: @ent eraem LinkedIn: Under Ryan Torres CEO Avenue Ent ert ainment / Management 74.