eZWay Magazine Jan. 2016 | Page 68

Music Vaul t Academy is one of t he most innovat ive music school s in Orange Count y. St udent s are t ransf ormed int o excel l ent musicians t hrough a high l evel educat ion f rom t he best t eachers in OC, numerous st age perf ormances and recording st udio experience. The Academy is equipped wit h special ized gear, f rom various inst rument s in al l 14 cl assrooms t o prof essional recording st udio and a f ul l y equipped st age. The MVA st udent s are exposed t o indust ry st andard equipment . From an array of music programs t o a st at e of t he art recording st udio, Music Vaul t Academy has it al l in one amazing pl ace. Designed t o provide an al l -incl usive music educat ion, MVA programs st art wit h services t hat incl ude l essons f or beginners (incl uding mommy & me, and young musicians) and end wit h pairing st udent s t oget her t o l earn t o pl ay as a band or ensembl e and creat e incredibl e music t hat can be perf ormed, recorded and promot ed al l in one pl ace. Courses in l ive sound, DJ-ing and el ect ronic music compl et e t he ext ensive educat ional opport unit ies t he school of f ers t o current and f ut ure musicians. Music Vaul t Academy?s program ext end t o rock and pop bands where st udent s l earn t o pl ay in a band, compose songs, creat e music videos, pl ay in concert s, and much more. 66.