Pepper Jay - 2015, Pahrump, Nevada
Pepper Jay is t he most beaut if ul hard-working middl e-aged t eacher, speaker, act ress, producer woman
wit h gray hair and braids you?ve ever met in your ent ire l if e who l ooks f orward t o working wit h you!
Pepper Jay?s Grandmot her, Lida Ardel l , was her best f riend and Lida?s best f riend was Sophie Tucker
(?The Last of t he Red Hot Mamas?). Pepper Jay l it eral l y spent her chil dhood and earl y t eens in t he
Moul in Rouge, Coconut Grove, Brown Derby, and in Vegas casino showrooms wat ching t he Rat Pack and
ot her ent ert ainers of t he t ime. Growing up in Hol l ywood, Pepper Jay began her perf ormance career at
age 5, perf orming in l ocal t heat re and TV sit coms, and she t ap danced and perf ormed skit s f or charit y
event s and f und-raisers.
Af t er graduat ing f rom San Diego St at e Universit y, Pepper Jay obt ained a l if et ime t eaching credent ial
f rom t he St at e of Cal if ornia and t aught publ ic school , f or t he Los Angel es Unif ied School Dist rict most l y,
f or over a decade, t eaching subject s incl uding drama, dance, Spanish, and physical educat ion. At
Crenshaw High School , Pepper Jay was al so in charge of coordinat ing and producing shows by t he 100+
member dril l t eam. During t his t ime, Pepper Jay was t he Engl ish as a Second Language Coordinat or f or
a port ion of t he inner cit y in LA. Pepper Jay cont inues her privat e perf ormance t eaching and coaching,
special izing in act ing and song perf ormance skil l s. Pepper Jay is a publ ic speaker at f il m f est ival s,
school s, and corporat e event s; sharing wit h school chil dren t opics such as ?List en and Be Heard,?and
?The Power of Audience Psychol ogy.?
Af t er graduat ing wit h a Juris Doct orat e Decree f rom San Diego Universit y School of Law, Pepper Jay
was a pract icing at t orney f rom 1985 t hrough 2014, special izing in f raud, cont ract disput es, and
bankrupt cy.
In 1991, Pepper Jay f ormal ized her ent ert ainment company, Pepper Jay Product ions LLC (?PJP?). PJP
produces music, f il m, TV, int ernet shows, and l ive ent ert ainment . PJP has excel l ent co-producers f or
some of her shows, incl uding ?The EZ Show,? wit h Eric Zul ey of EZ Way Broadcast ing, ?The St evie D.
Show,? wit h St evie Dupin, and several special s wit h Kurt Kel l y of Live Video Inc.
PJP al so produces and publ ishes t he Act ors Podcast Net work, consist ing of 15+ inf ormat ive and
ent ert aining shows on t hree channel s: Act ors Report er, Act ors Ent ert ainment , and Act ors Radio. The
Act ors Report er shows are al so aired on cabl e. One of t he most popul ar of t he PJP shows is Act orsE Chat
(Act ors Ent ert ainment on IMDb), a l ive chat show wit h ent ert ainment indust ry prof essional s.
From 1993 t hrough 2008, Pepper Jay creat ed and host ed t he Working Act ors Group, of f ering on camera
and col d reading workshops t o working act ors. Today, Pepper Jay, a SAG-AFTRA and Act ors Equit y
act ress, is bl essed t o be on bot h sides of t he camera. Pepper Jay appreciat es being and t he
ent ert ainment indust ry appreciat es her!
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ht t p:/ / www.PepperJayProduct