Consist ing of f our brot hers, t he Ochoa Boyz
became a music group in 2012. They have been
t ouring across America since t hey st art ed out as a
music group, and t heir goal is t o one day sel l out
Madison Square Gardens. Not onl y do t hey writ e and
co-produce t heir own music, but t hey are al l working
act ors as wel l . Two of t he brot hers, in part icul ar, can
be seen on t el evision and on t he big screen. The
second ol dest brot her, Ryan Ochoa, is f eat ured in
Nickel odeon's iCarl y and Disney XD's Pair of Kings.
The youngest brot her of t he Ochoa Boyz, Raymond
Ochoa, pl ays Arl o in t he new Disney Pixar movie, The
Good Dinosaur.
The Ochoa Boyz are al so invol ved in a l ot of charit y
organizat ions wit h t he desire t o al ways give back t o
t he communit y and bring smil es t o peopl e's f aces.
Cat ch t hem on t our next year and everyt hing el se
t hey are doing by going t o t heir
websit [email protected].