eZWay Magazine Jan. 2016 | Page 27

eZWay Tal ent Car r ie Mar ie LaChance I grew up in t he smal l t own of Dover-Foxcrof t Maine. Like most girl s, I dreamed of becoming a f amous model and act ress. Af t er graduat ing f rom high school in 2003 I at t ended Beaut y School as an aspiring prof essional hair and makeup art ist . I worked various jobs as a cashier, t el emarket er and pizza del ivery driver but , st il l secret l y dreamed of becoming a model al most every day. Whil e l ooking int o model ing opport unit ies I met a l ocal phot ographer who encouraged me t o pursue model ing. On t he very f irst set of my phot o shoot my model ing career was born. I f ocused al l my energy on model ing. I pract iced dail y and l earned everyt hing I coul d about t he indust ry which incl uded bot h f il m and phot ography. In 2008, I l aunched my own brand and websit e www.Carrie LaChance.com which has reached more t han 120 count ries and sol d more t han 200,000 phot os worl dwide. CBS News Channel 13 described me as ?A wal king, t al king bil l board?. Maybe t hey were right l ol . Photos By: ArchEnemys Studio 25.