eys-cny-catalog-2017 magazine | Page 8

DELUXE ABALONE SETS Harvested from pristine mineral-rich waters around the world, our Abalone gift sets offer the best in quality and value for your loved ones this Lunar New Year. 以全球各地最纯净的矿物水源养殖的高品质鲍鱼是新春送礼的最 佳选择。它代表您为亲友们献上财源广进的至诚祝福。 New Zealand 纽西兰 Grown and harvested in 100% natural environments Processed and canned according to stringent food hygiene standards 在100%纯净的大自然环境中养殖 依照严格食品卫生标准处理及装罐 Australia 澳洲 Premium wild abalones handpicked by seasoned divers and harvested live from the Southern Ocean Processed and canned according to stringent food hygiene standards 特级野生鲍鱼由资深 潜水员在南冰洋上精 挑细捕 依照严格食品卫生 标准处理及装罐 Taiwan 台湾 Top-of-the-line abalones popular with fine dining restaurants and renowned chefs Harvested, cleaned and canned in the shortest time possible for freshness and succulence 上等鲍鱼,深受高级餐馆酒楼及名厨们的信赖与选用 捕捉后快速清洗,处理及装罐,以确保新鲜品质与嫩滑肉质