eys-cny-catalog-2017 magazine | Page 2

迎接美好 新一年 老老少少 庆团圆 圆形象征家庭团聚、美满 借此新春佳节之际 余仁生 与您一起 大团圆 庆丰年 Reunion of Abundance A Chinese New Year is a time for families to get together to celebrate and usher in the beginning of the year. A full circle symbolises completeness and family reunion, as Eu Yan Sang offers a myriad of festive gifts that signify prosperity and good health for the whole family. It has been 137 years of fruitful caring and this year will be no exception. As a trusted household name for 137 years, Eu Yan Sang is privileged to walk the journey with you and your family. We will continue to care for your wellness by living up to our reputation for bringing you quality and trusted products backed by our scientific and innovative approaches. This new year, let us all take a minute from our hectic lifestyles to appreciate the love and support from the people around us. Thoughtfully handpicked, our elegant selection of gift sets and hampers is perfect for expressing your utmost sincerity to the ones you love. 137年来的相互呵护与支持 换来丰硕的成果。我们将继续精益求精! 身为家喻户晓的品牌,余仁生137年来都坚守岗位, 尽全力为您的健康把关。在迈入新的一年,我们 继续秉承仁心仁术的承诺,呈献多种创新与严经 科学认证,品质高、信誉好的健康产品,与您携 手享受乐活人生。 而趁此新春佳节,特别为您精挑细选的一系列佳 节礼篮与礼盒,组合了各种真材实料的珍品,全 是迎春与送礼的必备佳选。