eys-cny-catalog-2017 magazine | Page 16

花样 琉 璃 艺品 PERFECT PREMIUMS Start the new year with prosperity and good luck from Eu Yan Sang. This festive season, we present you an artisanal sculpted glassware in an exquisitely lacquered gift chest, making it the perfect gift for your family and business partners. The lacqured chest symbolises the promise of abundance, while the “Liu Li” represents the wonders of life. The carps signify wealth, career success and a life full of harmony, joy and contentment. 聚首跃 龙门 顺势力上游 趁着喜庆的佳节,余仁生带给您连年好运。 齐聚晶莹剔透的琉璃艺品及精美礼篮,呈献给您与您的家人以及生意伙伴, 不但大方得体,更显示出您诚恳的心意。 琉璃 - 代表一种精神和一种生命美,而鲤鱼象征着富贵。“如鱼得水”可形 容生活美满、富足,健康人生,年年有余仁生。