Eyes on Early Years Volume 16 | Page 16

Take a breath... Take a second... By Nicola Reynolds UK MENTAL HEALTH AWARENESS WEEK 14th-20th MAY 2018 This year the UK supported and promoted Mental Health Week in a number of ways - one large topic of communication was about STRESS. Stress can and does affect us all, NOT just adults but children also. ‘Stress is a function of the demands placed on us and our ability to meet them’ kids.org There are lots of myths about mental health and we as a community all need to take action and break down the barriers, dispel the myths and support each other. ‘Stigma and judgement comes from the fear of the unknown’. Let’s all do something to educate each other and ourselves about mental health. Let’s all use the world’s largest book, the internet, and source ways in which we can help reduce our stress levels. Mental health isn’t a disorder; we should openly discuss our problems just as much as we would a physical problem. As practitioners we need to make sure we look after ourselves. The job we do is very stressful, and having such an important role as educating, safeguarding and supporting our children’s individual needs can take its toll on our mental health. Please make sure you are taking the time to prioritise your tasks, taking the time to step away from the classroom for your breaks, talking to colleagues about any concerns. TOP TIPS for reducing stress for adults and children… GET ENOUGH REST, plenty of rest does reduce stress levels, you need to give your mind a break. Get the recommended amount of WATER, studies show that this has a huge impact on your mental health. Grab a pencil and ORGANISE/PRIORTISE, writing down a problem or a set of tasks makes it easier to tackle. COMMUNICATION, talking to children, colleagues, friends and others around you does reduce anxiety. EXERCISE, the body releases more endorphins (happy chemicals) in the brain when you exercise. These endorphins make you feel happier - that’s a fact. TAKING THE TIME to ask those around you if they are ok. Make time to SOCIALISE, get a HOBBY. Keep a POSITIVE ATTITUDE. If you feel under high levels of stress, talk to someone. The saying goes ‘a problem shared is a problem halved’. There are plenty of organisations who specialise in listening and supporting individuals with mental health questions and concerns. Here are a few based in the UAE: lighthousearabia.com, priorygroup.ae, better- help.com DID YOU KNOW…..1 in 10 children between the age of 5-16 years old has suffered from a mental health problem, this claim is from a study carried out in 2016.