Eyes on Early Years Volume 15 | Page 2

In the few months since the start of 2018 the days and weeks seem to have flown past. At this time of year, the children are all very settled and teachers have really got to know and enjoy all the individual characters with their different needs and interests. The children in your class will have developed in all ways; socially and emotionally they will be more aware of each other and their place in the world and more able to negotiate and consider others’ needs. Their physical skills will have become more refined, leading to growing independence demonstrated in every day activities and the ability to meet their own care needs with more autonomy. Each child’s language and cognitive development will be a pleasure to be part of as they really develop into little individuals, curious about the world around them. The children who started in your class in September are now well into their last term with you before transitioning to the next class in nursery or perhaps even ‘big’ school and have really changed in so many ways. When I am lucky enough to visit a nursery at this time of year, I am always curious to know how the environment and the daily routines have changed with the changing needs and interests of the children. As we rush towards summer, for the last two months of the academic year for most of us, please just pause and reflect if your classroom and expectations of the children has grown and developed as the children have grown and developed? Are you still doing the same things in the same way as you were at the start of the year, or have you allowed your children more opportunities to be independent and have more choices and control over their learning? Have you adapted your daily routines to encourage and celebrate this growth, supporting their sense of achievement and fostering well-being? It‘s too easy for adults to keep everything the same all year round and forget to make the environment more challenging and exciting. I hope you enjoy this term with all the children in your class, when you all know each other well and can hopefully relax a little and enjoy each other’s company. Sarah Rogers C.E.O.