Let’s try
With the rising temperatures there are fewer chances for children to get outside and run off energy
and express themselves physically. Why not try some simple dance sessions with your children?
Children move naturally, they use movements to express themselves and because it just feels so
good! Dance is simply the harnessing of this joy and expression, performed with awareness and
sometimes consciously structured. Don’t be frightened of dance!
Dance is a basic form of cultural expression and has enormous benefits for the developing child:
Physical development
Dance utilizes the entire body and allows children to experience a wide range of movements and
practise skills such as balance, co-ordination and kinaesthetic memory.
Personal, Social and Emotional development
Dance fosters social encounters, interactions and co-operation. Children are given the opportunity to
explore and express emotions. Dance bolsters self-esteem as individuality and creativity are valued.
Cognitive development
The strong links between movement experiences in early childhood and cognitive development make
the body a tool for learning. Good quality movement experiences such as a child will experience in
dance ensure that infant reflexes are integrated into conscious movements.