Eyes on Early Years 3 | Page 8

s a e Id g in t in r P t in a P by: Ailsa Printing activities provide children with the opportunity to mark make and express their creativity. Children are also introduced to mathematical concepts such as pattern and sequencing and colour recognition. Printing also develops a child’s pincer grip and fine motor skills as well as hand eye coordination. Often children will print with their hands and feet. Here are some suggested resources which can be used as an alternative. All you need is a small selection of coloured paint, material to print on such as newspaper, card or fabric and some items from the list below. Have fun! 1. Egg boxes 2. Toilet roll tubes 3. Bottle tops and bottoms 4. Kitchen utensils and cutlery 5. Bubble wrap 6. Textured wall paper or fabric 7. Leaves, sticks or pebbles 8. Fruit and vegetables 9. String 10. Building blocks www.eyes-me.com