EYEOS 1 | Page 5

2. The Desktop: First Steps Just after pressing the “Enter” button, the Login Box will fade off and your eyeOS Desktop will fade in. You will be then in your eyeOS Desktop (see Illustration 3). Illustration 3: Default eyeOS Desktop You are now in your eyeOS Desktop, which is divided in four zones: the Applications Dock, the Desktop Icons, the System Bar and the Bottom Bar. 2.1. The Applications Dock In the top of the Desktop you will see the Applications Dock (also known as eyeDock), where you will find the base applications ordered by categories. To see the applications in a category just click on the category's icon. To launch an application, click on the application's icon or description. (see Illustration 4). Note that the dock categories and icons can be edited from the “eyeManageApps” application (you can launch it from System Bar – Launch App or by opening the Software folder and clicking on the “Manage” button). Feel free to customize your eyeDock!