1. Introduction
Welcome to the eyeOS User Manual. This HandBook does describe how to start
using the eyeOS Web System and the common usage of its bundled applications.
eyeOS is a Web Based System that lets you work and have fun with your files and
documents from everywhere an Internet connection is available. With eyeOS you can
organize and centralize your files and documents, play your media, work with Word
documents and much, much more. All you need to get started is a Web Browser. From
your PC, an Internet Tablet or any Internet-capable device!
In order to start using eyeOS you need the address of the server where eyeOS is
installed. If you do not have a private server (for example, the eyeOS Server provided
by your company or group of friends), you can use the eyeOS Public Server, which is
available from www.eyeOS.info.
1.1. Logging in
The first you have to do to use eyeOS is to type the address of your server in your
browser's address bar. You will be then in an eyeOS Login Screen. (see Illustration 1).
Illustration 1: eyeOS Login Screen