3.3.1. Adding an event
To add an event to a specific date, just scroll to the hour and day you want to get it
started, and click, without leaving the mouse button, to the start time. Then just drag
the new bubble to the end time and leave the mouse button when you're done. (see
Illustration 13).
Illustration 13: Creating a new event the Tuesday at 1:24 am
When you have created the event, just click on it and write the text for it. When you
are done, simply click anywhere in the application to save the note. Note that if you
click inside the week, another event will be created, so it's recommended to click out
of the calendar area.
3.3.2. Moving an event
If you want to move an event to another day on the same week, just click and drag
it's header (the navy blue part, where the time is) to the new date and/or time.
3.3.3. Editing an event
To edit an existing event, just click on it's text, and modify it. When you are done,
click anywhere outside the calendar area to get it saved.