eye care 1 | Page 21

7. ARMD (Age Related Macular Degeneration) What is ARMD? The retina is the lightsensitive tissue lining the back of the eye. The macula is the part of the retina that is responsible for your central vision, allowing you to see fine details clearly. Many older people develop macular degeneration as part of the body’s natural aging process. This is called age-related macular degeneration (ARMD). What are the symptoms of ARMD? With macular degeneration, you may have symptoms such as blurred vision, dark areas or distortion in your central vision, and some times, permanent loss of your central vision. The peripheral vision is usually spared. Early symptoms are loss of clarity while reading and distortion of objects. With advanced macular degeneration you may fail to recognize a person’s face. ARMD usually affects both eyes, although not necessarily to the same extent. 18