Exxpose Magazine 2 | Page 9

What’s trending with Young Hollywood? In recent travels to Hollywood, California...it was noted that Young Hollywood is on the rise with up and coming talents. Of course, musicians, actors, comedians, entrepreneurs and more! Exxpose Magazine has had the honor of frequenting the W Hollywood as VIP Red Carpet guests of Damion Dean during a spectacular Notice Network event. We were very enlightened to find Young Hollywood gurus like singer/actor Franklin IV, actor/producer Motown Maurice, Celebrity Dj’s, Entertainment Photographers, etc. It was very intriguing and inspiring to experience the unity an vigor all happening in one room. If you’re ever in the Hollywood area and want get in the know, network, mi What entertainment industry moguls think about International touring? EXXPOSE: Tell us about your background? Lexie Bloom: I am Creole (I have a mixture of Black, Italian, Indian, Irish, Spanish) I know it's a lot but true! EXXPOSE: What or who inspired your career? Lexie Bloom: The art of makeup. I have always loved applying makeup to others but to be honest that wasn't my first heart at the time. Now, I think about makeup application in my sleep. Funny, where life takes you. EXXPOSE: What advice would you give to make up artist, model or actress? Lexie Bloom: The advice I would give to aspiring Makeup Artists & Pro Makeup Artists is to always want to learn more than you already know. The trends never stop, you could never learn enough about makeup no matter who you are. As for models & actresses, don't settle for a "NO" all the time. Sometimes being persistent gets you in the door. KEEP your MORALS! Though the industry is competitive, don't let it discourage you. You have this dream in your heart for a reason, now let's make it your goal! EXXPOSE: What is the one thing you want everyone to know about you? Lexie Bloom: I have a book titled "Secrets that Makeup Artist Won't Share" that can be purchased online and soon to be