Christopher Jackson a/k/a NAP’S Knowledge
Street Knowledge Entertainment
What is your background and where are you from?
I'm from New Orleans, LA, I was raised in one of the most high
crime areas, which is located in the palms of poverty. Low self
esteem, a major shortage of positive role models. poor education.
What or Who inspired you to do music?
Kid’s, the people’s pain, the suffering, the people’s deaf opinion
that no one hears, the cries of poverty that this world ignores.
Exx Pose’ Magazine has personally had the honor of seeing
you perform LIVE. Your voice is phenomenal. Where do you
get that mesmerizing voice from? How do you do that with
your vocal cords? Where is all that sound coming from?
It came straight from god. That’s something you don't ask for it’s a
gift—a gift I born with. Wisdom, knowledge its like a preacher having a calling. You don't set your future God has it planned.
What has your journey in the music industry has been like?
My journey as an artist has its ups and downs. But I can leave you
with one thing for sure... “with God’s help, motivation, belief and
drive you can overcome anything. Just keep pushing!”
Any Collaborations, Performances, Concerts or Affiliations?
I’m out on the market performing & opening shows for some name
brand artists. Getting the public familiar with my face & my music.
Also, getting shot-outs from radio stations & having my music
played in rotation on radio stations. I’ve been politicking with new &
experienced artists, doing collaborations with male & female artists.
I’ve been featured in various magazines.
If a major label were interested in you, what should they know
about you? I’m very critical when it comes to down to time
management. I have one life with many goals. Everyday I have a plan to execute my personal goals & objectives. I understand that it’s
important to maintain an image, but marketing & investing heavily into yourself is the
most important factor to building a long term career. You are your own business. One
needs to become exposed to many favorable markets rather than just looking at your
signing and an opportunity to ball out and shine. I'm not just looking for a signature...
to be signed. I'm not about that!
What advice would you give to an aspiring artist?
Don’t be