Extraordinary Health Magazine Extraordinary Health Vol 30 | Page 34

4 Bottom Up Carry – 2-3 sets x 25 yards each arm Works on shoulder, arm, lat and core strength. • Pick up a kettle bell with the bottom facing up. Position your arm close to your rib cage. Walk 25 yards then switch arms and repeat. 5 Push Press - 3 sets x 5-8 reps. Works on lower body power as well as upper body strength • Pick up dumbells. • Slightly flex the hips and knees, keeping torso erect. • Immediately follow with an explosive push upward by extending the knees. • Keep torso erect and tensed. • At maximum hip and knee extension, shift body weight to balls of feet and extend ankle joints. • At maximum plantar flexion, push dumbbells from the shoulders. • Push the dumbbells with the arms to a fully extended elbow position overhead. In order to avoid risk of injury, please seek advice directly from your physician, especially if you have existing medical issues, before beginning any exercise or nutritional program.