Extraordinary Health Magazine Extraordinary Health Vol 29 | Page 30

I believe a major part of being happy is the ability to get over your problems . Take responsibility and then let it go !
On the set of Veronica Mars
Sharing her story was meaningful to thousands of people who said they were inspired to speak about their own challenges with mental illness . Her admission also made her seem more human to those who previously thought she was living a charmed life with her equally famous husband , actor and comedian Dax Shepherd , and their two young daughters . However , aside from lending her voice to the unforgettable Princess Anna of Arendelle in Disney ’ s animated blockbuster Frozen , she acknowledges her fairy tale life doesn ’ t hinge on magic , but requires lots of work and commitment . She shared more specifics when we spoke with her recently about how she keeps everyone in the household as healthy and happy as possible .
Extraordinary Health Magazine : “ Do you find that you take better care of your health now that you are a mom , or do you take care of the rest of the family first ?”
Kristen Bell : “ I am a big believer in putting on my gas mask first . I would be useless to my family if I was in poor health . I try to be aware of when I need to catch up on sleep , work out or meditate to stay at the top of my game . Strangely , I didn ’ t prioritize myself or my health as much before I was a mom as I do now . Now I realize how many people depend on me . I really enjoy that responsibility and I derive a lot of self-esteem from taking good care of my family . I know sometimes it means putting myself first , because no one benefits from a run-down cranky mom !”
EH “ In your popular Samsung “ Smart Home ” appliance commercials , your kitchen looks like a fun place to be ! Who ’ s cooking and how do you make healthy meals a priority ?
KB “ I love cooking because it really relaxes me . Even after working all day , I look forward to cooking dinner . I get a farm box from Grub Market delivered every week with foods I know are harvested cleanly , responsibly and humanely . We also have a garden and try to make recipes with whatever is growing in season . I like to roast squash , fry up zucchini , steam broccoli with some parmesan or bake slices of sweet potatoes to make sure we get all our veggies .”
28 Extraordinary Health ™ • Vol 29