Extraordinary Health Magazine EHMagazine Vol 37 | Page 25

"I AM A HUGE FAN OF GARDEN OF LIFE AND I HAVE MY SHAKES EVERY MORNING." "I travel with a blender and it became a joke in the NFL, all the chefs made fun of me saying, ‘here comes Rashad and his blender…’,” said Jennings. “The shake is key because it sets the tempo for how you are going to eat the rest of the day.” allow for much wiggle room in his diet and sources veggies, protein and complex carbs for each meal, plus a house salad. The protein varies between chicken, fish or tofu. “Eating is a part of working out—you don’t always do what you want in the gym, you do it because it will give you results,” said Jennings. “I don’t have to enjoy the taste of every meal because I am looking at the result.” Jennings is a firm believer in customizing vitamins based on bloodwork. He prefers to get as many vitamins as possible through his food, but he loves Garden of Life’s mykind Organics Men's multivitamin, which he takes first thing in the morning with a large glass of water. and his leisure, his mind and his body, his education and his recreation. He hardly knows which is which. He simply pursues his vision of excellence through whatever he is doing and leaves others to determine whether he is working or playing.’ He hopes young people will gravitate towards that premise. “The world is more readily available at our fingertips than at any other time in the history of mankind,” said Jennings. “Not to reach out and grab all that inspires you is almost a disservice.” For more information or to volunteer for the Rashad Jennings Foundation, visit RashadJennings.com. Follow him on social media at @rashadjennings and #TEAMSHADSQUAD. “We are beginning to be aware of roles in the food industry, thinking of new ways to get sources of protein but it’s all a matter of planning,” said Jennings, who mastered a crash course in meal prep during his time at Liberty University. “I don’t like playing Russian roulette in the kitchen, so I still do meal prep and have things ready to eat.” Jennings is a positive, glass-overflowing type of person. But his level of discipline isn’t without suffering. He says his inspiration comes from the little version of himself and imagines the young people he can assist as a grown-up. “I see this little kid that I was and as an adult I feel like I am looking at him­—we are two different people hearing all the things he wants to do with his life. That’s why my outreach includes kids dealing with empty syndromes,” said Jennings, who credits his desire for giving back to his relationship he has with God. “I really think God put me in a position he knew I was able to endure, and throughout my truest heart I believe I had to go through a lot to speak authentically from it and for people to receive it.” Jennings’ platform has drawn out a squad of volunteers, but he can always use more creative minds and hearts. “I look at the Rashad Jennings Foundation as a conduit within my network to connect and support philanthropic education, health and fitness,” said Jennings. “I want to be the leader of my family even from the grave, leaving a legacy wherein people believe they can accomplish anything.” Jennings sums up his own extraordinary health, both body and mind, in one of his favorite passages originally attributed to Lawrence Pearsall Jacks. ‘A master in the art of living draws no sharp distinction between his work and his play, his labor Extraordinary Health ™ • Vol 37 23