Extraordinary Health Magazine EH Magazine VOl 33_Final | Page 57

“Sports brings people together—especially when grouped together with a bunch of girls from different backgrounds and languages, being immersed in cultures and learning from them,” Pressley said. “Building those bonds was my favorite part about playing overseas—the relationships I’ll cherish forever that I made along the way.” Eventually, another league came about in the states and Pressley then became part of the Orlando community, something she appreciates. “What I love about Orlando is how involved we are with the community and getting connected with the people,” she said. “The fans and the city are the heartbeat of this club and they give so much to us.” Being part of a team at her level is the best part of the process, Pressley says, grinding out the goals together. Pressley’s philosophy is that soccer is all about trusting one another on the field and knowing players have each other’s backs. Then there is the physical side of showing up and the sacrifices players make to stay successful. Pressley likens diet for professional athletes to not putting the cheapest unleaded gas in a race car, but says she wishes it hadn’t taken so long to develop such disciplined habits. “I wish I had known the extent of diet, recovery and rolling (foam rolling to keep muscles nice and loose) when I was younger,” she said. “If only I’d known then what I know now.” Her short-term health goals last season when she first went vegan was to drop a few pounds. She succeeded and then achieved her subsequent health goals. It wasn’t easy, since Pressley says she doesn’t have the typical body type for soccer. “I’m 5’10” and my muscles are pretty large, so dropping that weight allowed me to keep up with the genetically-gifted players who can run all day­—I’m built like a sprinter not a long distance runner,” said Pressley, who in a 90-minute game doesn’t get as tired as quickly now at her lower weight. “And when the game is over, I don’t feel exhausted, so all of this goes towards helping my body be less sore.” Her other tool in staying healthy is a long night of good old- fashioned sleep. “You’ve got to be healthy and fit to do this job and it takes a lot of sacrifices—while it doesn’t always come down to nutrition and sleeping well, diet plays a major role and that can affect your recovery time from injury,” she said. “When we train, our bodies will naturally be inflamed so it’s important to put fuel in it to combat that.” “Oh, sleep is so important and I have taken it for granted, but if you are not getting enough hours and you’re training when fatigued, you’ll be more prone to injury,” she said. “There is a mental commitment and it wasn’t until I went vegan that I started paying attention to nutrition and sleep, taking the time to understand my body personally.” Pressley became a vegan so what she eats every day helps fight inflammation. Her favorite weapons in that battle include Garden of Life SPORT Plant-Based Protein shakes with tart cherries and turmeric lattes. She’ll combine banana, nut butter, tart cherries, SPORT protein powder and coffee for a healthy punch. Proper hydration is also important, because as Pressley says, wet muscles have less chance of straining or pulling. Pressley hopes to be able to play soccer for as long as her body will let her, but she has a plan for when those days come to an end. “I also love the Garden of Life SPORT bars and always have one handy when traveling or after work—the Recovery powder is great after training,” she said. “Our team coordinator finds good meals and plans ahead, so she picks places where I will always have a healthy option and this all plays into prolonging your sports career.” “Life after soccer, I’d really love to have an animal sanctuary and while I’m not sure how or where, I’m learning as much as I can about it—I’ve always loved animals,” said Pressley, who wanted to be a vet when she was younger. “My path obviously has gone a different way with soccer but my desire to help animals has always been there, so hopefully it will come to fruition someday.” Find Toni Pressley on Twitter @toni_deion and Instagram @tonideion. Follow along in her journey with the Orlando Pride National Women’s Soccer League at orlandocitysc.com/pride. Vol 33 • Extraordinary Health ™ 55