Extraordinary Health 28 | Page 47

Eland’s farm exclusively supplies Garden of Life’s organic cereal grass juices, including organic winter wheat, alfalfa, kamut, barley and oat—all featured in Garden of Life’s industry-leading RAW Organic Perfect Food ® line of green drink powders. As the popularity of Garden of Life’s greens products has grown, so has Eland’s farming operation. Eland has learned to manage this growth by hiring and retaining great talent. He follows two guiding business principles: first, focus people on their core strengths where they can contribute the most and, second, treat them like family. By caring about the culture of his farm, he’s attracted key employees, including some who hail from Harvard Business School, to his rural way of life. you’re juicing—and you make it better. That’s why my low- temperature dryers are so special. They take the super-dense value of the juice and lock it in, without destroying the life in it,” he emphasizes. It’s not easy to lock in the nutrition, though. Time can quickly turn into your enemy. Eland monitors every field of every planting of every crop every day. To get the best nutrition from his cereal grasses, he harvests before the grain buds and before the gluten forms. That means that his winter wheat is harvested, generally, before it’s two feet tall—so he’s harvesting short, thick, green blades of grass. Eland’s vigilant monitoring of his fields is one of his secrets to getting the best quality grass for juicing. His next secret is to shorten the time between harvest and juicing. He knows that when it’s time to harvest, it’s time right then, and the combine harvests the fields quickly—about 30 minutes for an entire field to be threshed and loaded into the truck. The next hour is critical, and it takes less than 30 minutes to get the truck to the juicing room at the farm. The freshly harvested grasses are not even unloaded before juicing because Eland has also engineered a special chute that connects the truck to the juicer. As the grasses make their way down, they are sprayed clean with purified, ozonized water. The juicing process itself is fast. In fact, the entire truck can be juiced within a couple of hours. Then the juice is filtered and on its way into the dryers. To Eland, freshness is essential to the entire process, and why he insists on maintaining the “greenest” pastures. Vol 28 • Extraordinary Health ™ 45