Al Carey, CEO of PepsiCo Americas
Beverages, states, “It’s a consumer
interest. I think they’re very interested
in non-GMO and organic, and to the
degree you can make it meaningful to the
consumer—do it.”
So, instead of waiting for federal
conclusions or for variations in state-
to-state policies and laws, she believes
“proposing a mandatory national solution
is necessary” and that “printing a clear
and simple statement on the label is
the best solution for consumers and
for Campbell.” Even if the government
doesn’t soon require GMO labeling,
Campbell’s will go ahead and label its
products anyway.
And while she didn’t dispute the science
behind GMOs or their “safety,” she did
say that “as a result of the change in
our position on GMO labeling, Campbell
is withdrawing from all efforts led by
groups opposing mandatory GMO labeling
legislation, including those led by GMA,”
the Grocery Manufacturers Association,
which has been a strongly opposed to
labeling products that contain GMOs.
PepsiCo’s decision for the organic
Gatorade option is definitely a step
forward, even though in the past few
years, they, too, have sided with and
supported the action of GMA in the
fight against labeling GMOs. To be clear,
PepsiCo hasn’t withdrawn from all efforts
of groups opposing mandatory labeling
GMOs like Campbell’s has, but they have
the same opportunity to do so.
Now that PepsiCo realizes that organic
and non-GMO are huge interests of
consumers, not only are they launching
an organic Gatorade option, but they
also plan to launch a line of non-GMO
Tropicana® products.
set to require labeling. Connecticut
and Maine may not be far behind, though.
They have passed similar laws, but those
can’t take effect unless neighboring
states do the same.
Even with the Vermont law pending, the
fight concerning whether or not to label
GMOs continues. The GMA and three other
trade associations have filed a lawsuit in
federal court challenging the Vermont state
labeling law as unconstitutional—hoping for
a court to strike it down or for a federal law
to pre-empt state actions before it goes into
effect in July. Essentially, the goal is to get
rid of considering mandatory GMO labeling,
to make GMO labeling voluntary and/or to
take control over GMOs away from states
and their citizens.
These efforts have been thwarted up
until now, but the fight’s not over yet.
Nevertheless, ground is being gained
in the fight for GMO labeling, and
Campbell’s, Gatorade and Vermont
are part of that movement.
This year is also a landmark for GMO
labeling for the entire state of Vermont,
which has a law set to go into effect July
1st that requires companies to
begin labeling products that
are genetically modified
(GM). Vermont’s
Guided by a strong
not alone in this
endeavor. Several
sense of transparency,
other states—30
Guided by a strong sense of transparency, presently—are
she concluded with
she concluded with these words: “I
pushing to enact
these words:
truly believe it is the right thing to do for
consumers and for our business.”
“I truly believe it is
or GM-labeling
Another change along the GMO labeling
the right thing to do
modeled on
lines is Gatorade, a division of PepsiCo,
for consumers and for
announcing that, due to consumer interest, Vermont’s
upcoming law.
they will offer an organic Gatorade option
our business.”
this year. (Organic, of course, by definition
So far, however,
Campbell’s President and CEO,
means no GMOs allowed.)
Denise Morrison
Vermont is the only state