Extraordinary And Plenipotentiary Diplomatist diplomatist vol-7 Issue -9 sep 2019 | Page 26

INDIA & THE WORLD India has also been more active in signing preferential trade agreements. Brazil is a member of Mercosur; hence trade negotiations have to be made together with its partners. This is only one of the reasons why there is a low number of preferential agreements with third parties (India being one of the few exceptions). India has signed preferential agreements with a much bigger number of countries or groups of countries. These differences in demographic dimension, in productive pattern as well as in the intensity of involvement with external trade, coupled to diff erent historical trajectories (even in terms of actual military engagement in confl icts with neighbor countries) and the geographical distance between the two countries, might suggest that the margins for bilateral relationship are too limited. Yet there are potential complementarities between the two economies, as well as some similarities in their diplomatic performance. In generic terms, with over one billion mouths to feed, India should not disregard the Brazilian capacity to off er primary goods. With low overall competitiveness Brazil could in principle benefi t from the access to capacity building in services as well as in specifi c, manufacturing sectors. Exchange of technologies is always an issue to be considered. The bilateral Brazilian export bill is far more concentrated than the Indian. In 2017 the one hundred most important products accounted for some 96% of bilateral exports from Brazil, whereas the one hundred most important bilateral imports accounted for 63%. Moreover, there are signifi cant diff erences in the trajectory in recent years: in 2010 these fi gures were 95% for Brazilian bilateral exports and 80% for its bilateral imports: there has been a remarkable diversifi cation of the Indian bill, whereas the Brazilian export composition remained rather constant. A similar outcome is found in bilateral trade in services. In 2016 the three most important services exported from Brazil accounted for 58% of total bilateral transactions in services, whereas in the import side the fi gure did not surpass 47%. These fi gures are bound to infl uence bilateral negotiations. With regard to bilateral negotiations in services, it is not easy to identify what could be a Brazilian demand. From the Indian side, one might expect a focus on GATS Mode 2 (consumption abroad), as well as Mode 3 (commercial presence), given the relative importance of information and communication technologies, as well as services to support managerial activities. On the merchandise, side negotiations seem to be more easily identifi able. As a matter of fact, the small list of products in the Mercosur-India agreement is indicative of the need for further negotiations. Apart from bilateral negotiations, the two economies have other mechanisms to foster their approximation. Both countries have over time systematically been active vocals in multilateral fora, defending the interests of the set of developing economies. First and foremost, both countries are members of the IBSA initiative. This group was formed fi ve years before the BRICS and has (at least) two important positive dimensions. This is a more homogeneous set of economies than the BRICS, with rather approximate degrees of industrialization. Also, the IBSA agenda comprises a few mechanisms to foster complementarity more easily identifi able than in the BRICS agenda. The margins for the convergence of interests seems to be wider than in other groups. The formation of the BRICS group has somehow aff ected the dynamism of IBSA, as indicated by the seven or so years without a Summit. A recovery of the mechanism could provide new channels to facilitate complementarity between the two economies. There is little doubt about the importance to be a member of the BRICS if seen from the viewpoint of potential opportunities. This group has, from its very beginning, systematically met a good deal of skepticism. But no one questions the potential of complementarity among its members, to be achieved from the moment the group is able to focus its common agenda more clearly and put into practice concrete actions that correspond to the interest of the fi ve partners. A Brazil-India alignment in this group could be a major contribution in this regard. The active role played by Brazil and India in the GATT and more recently in the WTO as representatives of the interests of the developing economies is widely recognized. It is inevitable that some specifi c diff erences remain in the negotiating positions, but when the very existence of such an important institution is being questioned, an explicit axis of resistance might contribute to the survival of the existing tools to discipline trade relations. There are, hence, a number of arguments to motivate a more proactive identifi cation of common interests and their conversion into eff ective action. The next seventy years of relationship could be far more intense in terms of stronger and easily identifi able economic links between Brazil and India.  References: [1] Data from the World Bank`s World Development Indicator. *Author is DPhil in Economics, Oxford University, now Undersecretary for Foreign Investment, Ministry of Economy, Brazil.