Extraordinary And Plenipotentiary Diplomatist diplomatist vol-7 Issue -9 sep 2019 | Page 18

SPECIAL REPORT needs at market price with nearly 50 percent of consumption loans payable over 25 years at an interest rate of 2 percent. PetroCaribe has provided discounted oil to millions. The 17 benefi ciary countries include even ideological opponents. With the oil sector in decline, petroCaribe has struggled for more than a year now to meet the requirements of the member-countries. The world will never know how much the windfall oil profi ts Hugo Chavez ploughed into ALBA-TCP projects. Some US$20 billion were reportedly spent under PetroCaribe alone between 2005 and 2010. Chavez spent another estimated over US$30 billion in ALBA’s grand national projects. Some of these initiatives included famously Cuba’s ‘Si, Se Puede’; Nicaragua’s ‘Programa Hambre Cero’ beside the PetroCaribe. The grand national projects are social projects implemented between two or more member-countries by state-to-state grand national companies – as against transnational corporations. As of February 2019, the Si, Se Puede literacy programme had taught reading and writing to more than 10 million across 32 countries. Under Mission Miracle, some six million in 37 countries have been cured of visual ailments. PetroCaribe’s vast network of energy pipelines and terminals link the ALBA countries. Fibre optics connects Cuba, Venezuela, Jamaica, Nicaragua and others. The Bank of ALBA, which was set up with an initial capital of $1billion funds the grand national projects. ALBA was a political heavyweight which punched above its weight – at its peak during 2004-14. It was a wealthy, energy-rich group that could disrupt the regional balance and set agenda. Venezuela bank-rolled its agenda while Cuba provided expertise and technical know-how. Member- countries defi ned the common position and voted as a bloc. Its purposeful lobbying and fi nancial resources allowed it to occasionally drive the political agenda of the Organization of American States (OAS) and the Union of South American Nations (UNASUR). The 7th summit in 2009 explored the idea of an ALBA defence pact. Nothing was ratifi ed, but Evo Morales went ahead to set up ALBA’s Regional Defence School in Santa Cruz to develop the ‘common defence doctrine’ of ALBA. Bolivarian Alliance is in crisis. There is a perceptible ideological disarticulation and political backtracking. Venezuela and Cuba – the linchpin of the Bolivarian Alliance – are under intense US hostility. The Venezuelan economy is half the size of what it was in 2013. Cuba has signifi cant liquidity problems worsened by new US sanctions and Daniel Ortega of Nicaragua has responded popular protests with brutal repression. Ecuador has left ALBA; Saint Lucia did not attend the last summit. Bolivia is reaching out to the newly-formed ‘ideology-free’ Forum for the Progress of South America (Prosur). Some of the Caribbean island- nations – all benefi ciaries of PetroCaribe – have criticized Venezuela in OAS and the UN. Venezuela stands expelled from OAS, suspended from Mercosur; and UNASUR, the second leg of the Bolivarian Alliance, stands gutted. The 16th Summit of Heads of State and Government, held in Havana on 14 December 2018, was attended 11 member-countries: Antigua and Barbuda, Bolivia, Cuba, Dominica, Grenada, Nicaragua, Saint Kitts & Nevis, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, and Venezuela. Amidst cries of “vivas” to the ALBA, the leaders noted the return of the right in the region and open US hostility towards Venezuela and Cuba. It described the situation as ‘neocolonial’ off ensive. Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro admitted that ALBA has social achievements to its credit but has failed in economic integration. Simon Bolivar had the dream to establish a grand nation- state in South America which would act as an independent paradigm in international aff airs. Well, the dream has receded once again into the future. What about India and its engagements with ALBA-TCP? India’s emphasis has been on building close bilateral relations with individual countries in the ALBA group, with a focus on economic and trade exchanges. Indian business fi rms remain engaged in the markets in Bolivia, Cuba, Ecuador, Venezuela and others for lithium, oil and gas, bio-fuels, iron-ore, pharmaceuticals, information technology, etc. Of all the ALBA countries, trade relations with Venezuela have been strongest. In 2006, Hugo Chavez visited India and in a spirit of South-South Cooperation had invited India to join in the economic and social transformation his country was going through. A political nod from the UPA government of PM Manmohan Singh encouraged the public sector ONGC- Videsh Ltd. (OVL) which became the fi rst Indian oil fi rm to bid for E&P in San Cristobal oilfi eld. It is worth recalling that it was only after the nationalization of oil that doors for Indian fi rms opened in a market which always tightly controlled by American and European oil giants. Footprints of Indian oil and other fi rms expanded further into Cuba, Ecuador and Bolivia – all state-owned economies. Make no mistake: the ‘pink-tide’ that swept ALBA countries in the previous decade proved a boon for the Indian business. Venezuela became the third largest supplier of crude to India; at $7.38 billion, it was still the largest oil exporter to India from LAC in 2018. Nearly 200 Indian fi rms present in the LAC region are all guided by business logic in their operations. New US sanctions and the domestic churning in Venezuela and adverse economic scenario in Bolivia, Cuba and Nicaragua does not make ALBA an attractive proposition for the Indian business – at least for now.  * Author is Professor (retd.) of Latin American Studies Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi 18 • Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Diplomatist • Vol 7 • Issue 9 • September 2019, Noida