Extol Sports October 2017 | Page 7

INSPIRE Freedom & Fitness, Too Nine years ago, Gaurav Zane Sharma moved from India to the United States at the age of 21. Today, he is an American citizen, a successful business owner, husband and father living in Southern Indiana. “I came to the USA for freedom and opportunity so I could feel what it is like to be free and breathe without being afraid of what other people would do if you would try to do the right thing, and also for equal opportunity without being judged because of my race, caste or color,” he Gaurav explained. “Also, I wanted to learn more and grow with this strong, beautiful country who gives everyone the same opportunity to grow if you are willing to work hard and believe in yourself. The day I arrived, I fell in love with the beauty, grace and kindness of the people around me.” Today, Gaurav is a much-sought after weight loss expert, personal trainer and exercise specialist. He has worked with Olympic -level coaches and also represented India in the 2004 Asian Games in judo. He has been in the personal training business for 12 years and has clients – some of whom are online – around the world. Gaurav likes to challenge and encourage his clients to overcome their mental boundaries by using functional exercises and mastering fitness fundamentals. “I know from my experience that exercise is only as good as how it’s being performed,” he said. “It’s not what you do, it’s how you do it! And as we all know, the body is a terrible thing to waste. Take control of yourself. Make a commitment to staying fit.” Contact Guarav at [email protected]. Photo by Christian Watson 5