Pizza Today Art Director Josh Keown shot this month’s cover
story, including that delicious cover shot. He’s also featured as
our Athlete Next Door – and for good reason. Despite traveling
the country photographing, featuring and often tasting pies for
a living, after recently turning 40, Josh is in the best shape of his
life. How in the world did he do it? Read his story to find out more.
For the second time in his life, Pat McCrite shot a hole-in-one,
which we celebrate in these pages. My favorite part of writing up
this short snippet was calling friends who golf – I do not – to help
me with the lingo when I couldn’t get ahold of my golf guru hubby
(thank you, Will Dierking for the ultimate assist) as well as the
fact that Pat made the milestone in the presence of his daughter,
Ali (McCrite) Glotzbach. Sure, Pat won an award that’s worth a
bit of cash, but experiencing what is usually a once-in-a-lifetime
happening in the presence of family and friends? Priceless.
In our previous two issues, we asked for your nominations and
subsequent votes for the best public place to watch sports on TV.
It was thrilling to watch the votes roll in. As soon as we thought
there was a clear winner, yet another venue would take the lead.
But, finally, the contest is over and the Extol Team is thrilled to
announce Bearno’s Southern Indiana has won the award. Now
go and enjoy, but don’t forget to try out the other finalists, too.
In this issue, we feature our first-ever High School Spotlight, a
feature highlighting local high school teams, coaches and athletes.
This time around, writer Daniel Karell casts a light on Providence’s
Marissa and Ali Hornung, sisters who are making –and taking –
names on the volleyball court. If there’s a high school athlete,
team or coach you’d like to see featured, send an email to extol@
As always, thanks for picking us up. We appreciate your support.
Angie Fenton
Editor in Chief