Why wait ?
Who says you have to wait until New Year ’ s to take steps toward a healthier future ?
By Angie Fenton
If you ’ re like most people , at some point you ’ ve made a New Year ’ s resolution . Then , like 92 percent of us , you failed to make it stick . Yet , instead of simply starting over – and over and over , if necessary – the majority of us wait until the beginning of the next year to make even more resolutions we probably won ’ t keep . Whether it ’ s the first month or the eleventh month of the year , why not resolve right now to make a change for the better ? To help you get started , here are 9 resolutions to put you on the path to a healthier future .
1 Get organized . Vow to spend 15 minutes a day for the next 30 days organizing one room at a time , piece by piece . Planning to donate what you don ’ t love ? Keep a box or bag in the room and add to it each day . Once it ’ s full , put it in your car so the next time you leave your home it ’ s ready for drop-off at the nonprofit of your choice .
2 Lose five pounds ( or more ). Need to lose weight ? Be specific about how much – consult your doctor for assistance – and then focus on your goal . Or , take baby steps and work to lose five pounds . Then , once you do , work to lose five more until you reach a healthy weight .
3 Stop smoking . If you smoke , stop . Don ’ t know how ? Google it . Talk to your doctor . Reach out to friends . Share your intention of quitting on social media and then post updates on your progress . Whatever works for you , do it . Smoking doesn ’ t just stink – it kills .
4 Start saving for a vacation . Taking time off is good for our mental and physical wellbeing . Experts say the act of planning for one can increase happiness and going somewhere new gives our brains a change of scenery , which is beneficial in myriad ways .
5 Train for the Kentucky Derby Festival miniMarathon . Thousands of people walk or run the mini every year , including lots of first-timers . Have you ever watched Facebook light up with updates from finishers or local news media interview participants and thought , I wonder if I could do that , If so , start making strides right now . Local running stores – like Pacers & Racers in New Albany and Swag ’ s in Louisville – are valuable resources and can get you pointed in the right direction .
6 Unplug . Vow to put aside all electronic devices one day a week . Can ’ t bear to go without for that long ? Try half a day , implementing a “ no electronics ” during dinner rule or walk away from the cell phone / ipad / computer for a few designated minutes every day , like first thing in the morning or before bed . Commit to disengaging from your devices and engaging with family and friends . You ’ ll be amazed at the near-immediate benefits .
7 Sleep better . When it comes to sleep , quality is as important as quantity . If you use your phone for an alarm clock , flip it on its face so the glowing light doesn ’ t keep or wake you up . Try meditating before bed to turn your mind off . There are tons of apps designed to assist rookie meditators . Go to bed on a schedule , even on the weekends . Whatever you do , resolve to make better sleep a priority .
8 Train your brain to be positive . Experts say it is entirely possible to rewire our brains to perceive the positive aspects of life . For starters , simply thinking about what you ’ re grateful for throughout the day can increase the level of dopamine and can give , in a nutshell , a natural high . Also , feelings of gratitude can increase serotonin levels , a mood booster . Stop focusing on what you ’ ve done wrong and steer your thoughts to what you do right and well . Try thinking only about positive things for a few minutes a day for the next month or starting the day by writing down three things that make you happy .
9 Make people feel like they matter . We are bombarded with messages of how awful human beings can be to one another , whether it ’ s unspeakable violence or the pervasive act of shaming others on social media . Challenge yourself to do something kind for someone else once a day / week / month . Pay it forward at your local coffee shop or anonymously help out someone in need . Make this a habit and soon you ’ ll reap more than good karma .