Extol Sports March 2018 | Page 50

THE FINAL SAY Regardless, U of L would likely offer four times— minimum—what a mid-major would offer for the services of a guy with the resume of Padgett. That shouldn’t be taken lightly. By Zach McCrite It’s Time for David Padgett to Diversify If it were me, though, I’d hit the road. Cut my teeth some more elsewhere. I would have enough confidence in myself as a coach to go all in. Do it the old-fashioned way. Why? It’s simpler than you think. First off, this year, Padgett has proven that he’s not a basketball idiot. He’s certainly competent. Looks like he has the chops. Now, how much more than that has he proven? I don’t know. That’s up for debate. But, at the least, he’s proven that he’s not a nimrod. But hey, let’s give Padgett a little credit here. Maybe Louisville makes the tournament this season and maybe the Cardinals go on a run. Odds are obviously against it, but if it happens, Padgett might be able to use that as a recruiting tool, showing big time recruits that he was able to make some serious noise in the NCAA Tournament with the cards (no pun intended) seriously stacked against them. David Padgett should do this. If I were David Padgett, save for a dream postseason by the Cardinals, I wouldn’t want to be at the University of Louisville after this season ends. That’s nothing against Padgett. Quite the opposite. I’m a fan of what he’s done at U of L. He’s held this thing together with duct tape, a piece of chewed bubble gum and some paper clips. He’s been nothing short of the basketball version of MacGyver, all things considered. I would go out on a limb and say that the Cardinals would be uber-lucky to make any NCAA Tournaments, especially as the potential recruiting base dwindles. Photo by Jeff Nunn of CardinalSportsZone.com He could stay at his alma mater and try to be the savior. That’s certainly an option, provided UofL even wants Padgett to be the next coach. Has he made some rookie mistakes? Eh, maybe, but anybody in that same position would make a mistake here or there. Who cares, right? For the sake of this argument, let’s assume they do. But, so far, at the University of Louisville, Padgett and the coaching staff he scrounged together and finalized (and did so fairly well) just 24 days before Louisville’s first official game this season have already let a full season of recruiting come and go without as much as an iota of interest from any appealing recruit. Now, obviously money talks. Perhaps Padgett isn’t much worried about building his resume. Shoot, he’s already at a prestigious program, historically. He wouldn’t be crazy to think “Oh hey, UofL is going to give me a couple million dollars a year? I know I can make this program better. Besides, I’m only going to get $500,000 a year if I’m a head coach at a mid-major school. They’re going to give me $2 million a year here? Let’s do this.” By the way, I’m just throwing out that $2 million number as a guess. Who knows what it would be? Add on top of the turmoil that Louisville is already in with StripperGate, there’s also the cloud that’s going to hang over the University in the future with the Brian Bowen/Adidas case. Who knows what will come of it. Maybe nothing, but the NCAA is going to take their sweet time, which means that cloud will remain, which means there are going to be head coaches at other places that are easily going to be able to recruit against the next head coach at U of L. Bottom line, recruiting is going to be much tougher than it’s ever been at Louisville. A prominent name in college basketball to take over the program might help in that regard. Padgett’s Name would not. You ever been told to “diversify your portfolio?” I know I have. But, March, for all intents and purposes, will be fruitless for the Cards. Then, what? The question for Padgett, more or less, becomes “How do I want to build my coaching resume (if coaching is indeed what he wants to do as a career) from this point forward?” may be more virtually-empty recruiting classes to follow since prized