Learning to Enjoy
Golf with Age
By Jeff Nunn of CardinalSportsZone.com
When I was in my twenties, I would show up at the
course about 10 minutes prior to my tee time, rush
into the clubhouse, pay my green fees, hop on a cart,
pull up to the first tee, take two practice swings and
then swing out of my shoes as I tried to smash the
ball down the fairway.
Well, as they say, “I ain’t as young as I once was.”
I’m not exactly old enough for the senior tour, but I’m
not getting any younger, and my body will sometimes
remind me of it, especially after a long day on the
golf course under hot conditions. Yes, my body has
changed and so must my game and preparation. But
that doesn’t mean I can’t continue to enjoy the
game that I love. I just have to be smarter and
willing to adapt.
elevated greens seemed like a challenge and a lot of
fun. Hitting out of a deep green-side bunker was fun
and interesting. Now, you worry more about getting
yourself out of the bunker rather than the ball – and
that doesn’t seem enjoyable. So, be very aware of the
course you choose. If there are multiple shots where
you must carry the ball about 175 yards over a hazard
or the majority of the greens do not allow a run up
shot, then you might want to think about choosing
a different course.
Another thing to help you choose a good course
that is suitable for your game is to take the total length
them if you qualify. An enjoyable round means you
should be hitting a mid-iron into a green on a par 4,
so put yourself into position to do so. After all, this
game is supposed to be fun.
Your equipment may need to change as your
game changes. The advancements in equipment are
incredible. The technology of the new drivers and
balls are crazy and has helped maintain distance
despite your decreasing club-head speed. Irons, on
the other hand, are slowly being replaced with hybrid
clubs. As you lose distance with your longer irons, you
can start replacing them with the new hybrid clubs.
Putting a set of irons in your bag that are more
forgiving can help as your ball striking becomes
less consistent. Putting graphite shafts in your
irons is a good idea because they are lighter and
can help with swing speed. Also, putting bigger
grips on your clubs can help with decreased grip
strength and aching hands or wrists.
Now, I arrive at the course about an hour prior
to my tee time. I head over to the driving range
where I stretch before hitting a small bucket of
balls to help warm up my muscles. Once I’m
warmed up, I head back to the clubhouse where
Be smart about the conditions you play in.
I purchase a water or Gatorade to take with me
In my younger days, I would say, “The hotter,
on the course. I have to stay hydrated. I also grab
the better.” Now, not so much. I get much more
a snack to tuck away in my bag for later in the
enjoyment playing in partly-cloudy conditions
round. Then, I get out the sun screen and apply
(Left to right) Stephen Walker, Tom Nunn, writer Jeff Nunn
in the 75 to 80 degree range. And when a good
generously. Depending on the conditions, I may
and Kevin Blair, winners of the annual Sigma Phi Epsilon
rain storm popped up, I used to consider that
also apply a little bug spray. The last thing I do
Alumni Golf Scramble at Eagle Creek Golf Course in 2016.
a challenge. Now, I call it time to head to the
before I tee off is pop open my bottle of Aleve
Or maybe it was 2017. Either way, they won both.
clubhouse. Everyone has different likes, but
and take two. I know I am going to encounter
when the conditions reach a point that it’s no longer
of a good drive for you and multiple that by 28. That
some aches and pains somewhere within my round,
enjoyable, why keep playing? Playing when your
will give you the yardage of a course that will be a lot
so I take this preventative measure.
heart is not fully committed can lead to injury and
of fun to play: not too hard, not too easy.
nobody wants to get hurt.
Getting older and losing physical strength, balance,
Once you find courses that are more enjoyable
eye-hand coordination and flexibility doesn’t have
No matter if Father Time is calling or he called
for your game, you may also need to change the tees
to hinder your ability to play and enjoy golf. Like me,
ago, you can still play golf and enjoy it. You just
you hit from. As you get older, you won’t be able to
you have to change your routine and be willing to
have to realize you now have physical limitations, and
hit the ball as far, so moving up a set of tees can only
admit that some courses, equipment and situations
you must adjust for them. Everyone is different and
help your enjoyment. Having people see you hitting
are no longer suitable for you.
everyone’s body changes and reacts in different ways.
from the pro tees doesn’t impress them, especially
You just have to find tips, tricks and adjustments that
Picking the right course for you is very important
when you only hit the ball 200 yards, leaving yourself
work for you. As Raymond Floyd said: “Golf is a game,
for your enjoyment. In your younger days, the more
a 3-wood shot into a par 4. Move up to the white tees,
and games are meant to be enjoyed.” I couldn’t agree
challenging the course, the more fun you could
or if you are a senior, don’t be afraid to move up to
have. Hitting long shots over water or hitting up to
the senior tees. They are there for a reason, so use
more. Good luck and hit’em straight!