Extol Sports March 2018 | Page 12

THE ATHLETE NEXT DOOR HUMBLE WARRIOR A Program That’s Giving Back Micah Cargin has been practicing yoga for himself for almost a decade. However, with the launch of his youth program, Humble Warrior, he will be using his knowledge of this practice to give back to the local community. “I always knew I wanted to give back to the community in some way. Giving back to those in need is something my family engrained in me from an early age,” states Cargin as he unrolls his yoga mat onto the wooden floor at KMAC. We are at the local museum to talk about the launch of Humble Warrior, and to photograph him practicing yoga in the beautiful space. Humble Warrior is a program that will work with community centers and organizations to introduce youth in economically-depressed areas to yoga. It will do this by creating a network of certified yoga teachers with diverse backgrounds that will serves as mentors to these children. Cargin believes the diversity of this network is key to the success of the program. in certain areas, because that is where the current interest is. However, many of the people in living in these places have never even been exposed to yoga,” explains Cargin. “Being a black male who practices yoga, I believe I have a unique voice that can make a real impact in urban areas and the parts of town that many yoga studios may not ever think to host classes in. Most of the yoga studios are clustered “Yoga has helped me be more aware of my inner thoughts and emotions, and has also helped me with how I process them. Practicing can give these kids another outlet for processing their own emotions.” Photos and Story by Miranda McDonald 10 EXTOL SPORTS / MARCH 2018 Cargin believes introducing yoga to local youth in these urban areas is important, because yoga is not solely a physical activity. It also teaches mindfulness and awareness.