day. My stomach began to shrink and my body
was responding to the ability to function on the
reduced amount of calories.”
Johnston lost about 10 pounds while on the
Johnston believes her faith and past experiences
served her well in preparing mentally and
“I found myself drawing inspiration from
both my education and work experiences,” she
said. “Five years of intense study to complete my
doctorate degree while working as a nurse and
managing life in general taught me to overcome
She recalls feeling awful and drained some
days, telling herself “You must push through”
both during her career development and on
the TV show.
Her ability to manage dominant personalities
as well as softer demeanors also was a help.
“I interact with all types of people,” she said.
“Dominance in a game like ‘Survivor’ can be a
challenge. I felt ready to take on the challenge.”
In addition to her career as a nurse practitioner,
Johnston has a deep passion for health and
“I challenged myself to use my degree as a
nurse practitioner and personal trainer to bring
my passion for health and wellness together to
benefit others,” Johnston said. “In 2016, I founded
Belovist, a community of health entrepreneurs
and enthusiasts gathering their expertise of
health, fitness and nutrition to help educate,
motivate and inspire those looking to begin or
expand their journey of health and wellness.”
After being the seventh “Survivor” castaway to
be voted off the island, Johnston is happy to be
back home and is appreciative of all the support
she received from her friends in Louisville and
her family and friends in her hometown of Cape
Girardeau, Missouri.
In December, when the season finale of
“Survivor” aired, Johnston flew to California to
reunite with all 18 castaways. Gathering with
the cast confirmed for Johnston that, if given
the chance, she would do it all again.
“Being with everyone to watch the final episode
and seeing Ben (Driebergen) win just reminds
me how much I enjoyed the process and would
definitely do it again,” she said. “Fingers crossed
that door opens in my future.”