Kelley Thomas
Elizabeth, Ind.
Nurse Anesthetist
Where do you workout?
CrossFit Covalence, 530 Barret Ave. in Louisville
What is your weekly
fitness routine?
My typical fitness routine is CrossFit five days
a week and usually an accessory day tossed
in. On that day I usually go somewhere with
machines and free weights. I always take a rest
day for recovery.
What about your diet?
What’s it like?
This year I was introduced to Renaissance
Periodization (RP). They utilize nutrition
templates based on your current weight and
goals and are designed around what time of
day you train. It’s pretty simple science when
you begin to learn about fueling your body. For
me, this has made all the difference. I’ve always
heard “abs are made in the kitchen,” and it’s so
true. For years, I’ve had the mindset that I can
eat what I want, I’ll just train a little harder.
For me, this didn’t work. RP goes thru cycles
of cutting and maintenance so there’s a nice
balance. I’m enjoying maintenance thru the
holidays. I eat a lot of chicken, rice and a ton
Photos by Anna May Photography
of veggies, but the top of my list of indulgences
are cupcakes.
Tell us about your tattoos:
When I found those words, I just loved them
and thought it would make for a pretty tattoo
piece. Now they are a source of motivation.
Mid workout when it gets hard and I’m tired or
about to give in, I remind myself that the words
fierce and unstoppable are permanently inked
on my body, so I need to buck up!
What is Helo and how are
you involved?
Helo is basically a FitBit on steroids. It monitors
blood pressure, heart rate, mood, sleep, and
coming in January, it will have the ability to
monitor glucose. It’s also able to remotely
monitor these parameters on other family
members that I could access from an app on
my phone. It’s a pretty cool,wearable device. I
liked it, so I decided to sell and market them.
You can learn more about it at www.kelleyt.
Have you always been into
fitness and being healthy? If
not, what compelled you to
change how you approached
your health?
I’ve always been active but had never found
anything I really loved. I did boot camps,
instructional classes and ran for several years.
I would hear people say how much they
loved running and how it was relaxing and an
outlet for them. I wanted that so badly, but it
didn’t happen. Not until I picked up a barbell.
Training is the best part of my day.
Who or what is your biggest
motivation when it comes to
being fit and healthy
I’m one of the older females at our gym and I
love it. I’m surrounded by many insanely strong
and fit young women that keep me motivated.
They like to call me their “gym mom,” but they
also know I’m pretty competitive and often
give them a run for their money. The feeling of
being healthier and better at 38 than I was at
28 is my biggest motivator. Age means nothing.
What is the greatest
challenge when it comes
to your health?
Right now it’s sleep. I’m very fortunate that