Stress is an internal response to external events. Stress is what our bodies and minds experience as we adapt to changing environments, both positive and negative events. The holidays are no exception and can cause stress for parents and children.
It is important to acknowledge that children experience stress. Children are very sensitive to changes around them; whether the change is positive or negative it has an impact on children. Many changes occur during the holidays with routines, sleep, new places and people for example, which results in stress for children.
Children are affected by stress of their own and pick up on family stresses. Just as colds are contagious, so is stress. Learning how to manage stress for yourself and your family is essential during the holiday season.
Preparing your children for the holidays is a great way to start to manage the amount of stress for children. Letting the children know what to expect with changes in routines, people and places that may take place over the holiday season. Along with preparing the children, it is important for you to learn saying “NO” to expectations of others or invitations to prevent being overextended or overscheduled is acceptable. Be sure to schedule in downtime for you and your children and get plenty of sleep.
Ensuring your children get plenty of sleep, are physically active, eat a healthy diet, maintain routines as much as possible and spend time with you are ways to help your children deal with stress during the holiday season (and year round).
Parenting Educator
Paula Goodrich, [email protected]
Reducing Holiday Stress for Children