Extension Highlights March/April 2015 | Page 4

Exploration in the field of Positive Youth Development resources can be time consuming and yield multiple findings. The Risk and Thriving in Adolescence Program Work Team identified the need for streamlined resources in Adolescent Development, Social Emotional Learning, and Positive Youth Development for 4-H Educators, and other youth professionals. The Program Work Team spent several months sharing resources. The creation of Toolkits by subject matter were created through a Program Work Team sub-committee. Taking a closer look at the Social Emotional Learning Toolkit led me to the research work of Carol Dweck on Praise and Mindset.

Mindset is a simple concept discovered by world-renowned Stanford University psychologist Carol Dweck in decades of research

Spotlight for March and April: Do you ever wonder what gets and keeps our young people interested in a new project, sport, subject at school, or job?

Youth and Family Development

Mel Schroeder, Youth and Family Development and PWT co-chair, Risk and Thriving in Adolescence, [email protected]

What is a Program Work Team?

Program Work Teams (PWT's) are affinity groups involving faculty and staff, extension educators, and external stakeholders. PWT's provide a mechanism through which faculty and extension educators connect with stakeholders in identifying issues, studying needs, creating educational materials, and designing learning experiences that address these issues and needs within specific content areas.
