Extension Highlights 1st quarter 2016 | Page 8

Youth and Family Development

Mel Schroeder, Youth and Family Development and PWT co-chair [email protected]

4-H is the nation’s largest positive youth development and youth mentoring organization, empowering six million young people in the U.S.

The 4-H Pledge

I pledge my head to clearer thinking.

My heart to greater loyalty.

My hands to larger service.

And my health to better living.

For my club, my community, my country and my world.

Schuyler County 4-H Youth Development Mentoring our

4-H Youth Involved in First Tech Challenge .

First Tech Challenge (FTC) is an international robotics program for high school students to assist in learning related to the fields of science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) through hands on learning in the field of robotics. An FTC Team can have up to ten team members between the ages of 15-19 along with several coaches to help youth balance all the skills needed for a successful program season. Those skills include teambuilding, engineering design, computer programming and problem solving. The youth that participate gain valuable teamwork experience and real-life application of science and technology skills.

Our local 4-H program started an FTC Robotics program two years ago in response to the need of our older 4-H youth who had previously participated in our younger robotics teams, otherwise known as First Lego League (FLL). The establishment of an FTC team provided our high school 4-H youth local opportunity to explore and expand their interests and abilities within STEM related areas. Locally our involved youth have reported gaining skills in both teamwork and life skills with 98% reporting improved problem solving, 95% stating an increase in time management skills, 93% share an increase in conflict resolution skills, and 76% indicate strengthened communication skills. Our FTC team, Deus Ex Machina, received multiple awards this past year, and most recent remarks from judges at a competition at Utica Polytech Institute include, “Deus Ex Machina aggressively seeks engineers and explores the opportunities available in the world of engineering, science and technology. This team has a clear Business or Strategic Plan and has identified steps to achieve their goals.”

Help Wanted:

The Schuyler County 4-H Robotics Program is seeking Engineering and Program Mentors along with Internship opportunities. These Internship opportunities can be paid or unpaid, our youth are looking for real life work experiences. If you are interested please call our office at 607-535-7161.

For additional information:



Thank you to our past sponsors of our 4-H Youth Development FTC Deus Ex Machina Team:


The Harvest Café’ and Lounge

Schuyler County Soil & Water Conservation District