Exquisite Arts Magazine Vol 7: Fall Issue- Oct/2017 | Page 53

AROUSING IN OFFENSE Some people find offense in any of its representation. Some find the nude, particularly female nude as one impacting their mind in a way that obsesses their medulla towards sexual arousal. This is considered the most offensive of all complaints towards nudity art. Even when contrived in sexual unappealing form the complaints linger. The idea of ‘clean’ thoughts when a nude person, in art or not, is perceived is said to dissipate without notice. Religious zealots and conservative minds are unable to distinguish between pornography, for instance, and Kerri-Anne Mesner's nude drawings. To them, both have the same outcome of arousing the viewer. questions whether a child who strips to their birth suit and peers at themselves on the mirror is offended by what they see. It doesn’t really matter. THIN LINE BETWEEN NUDITY AND SEX Nudity and sex are said to go hand in hand in our current world, whether you live in downtown Alberta, work in eventful New York or tranquil Nairobi in Kenya. Sex is shameful, sexual thoughts evil and nude figures on TV, online or magazine are to be shunned. Yet, the African in his peace went practically naked save for a piece of cloth or pelt around the waist for both men and women, breasts of all cup sizes unashamedly thrown out. No man or woman was aroused or found that offending. NUDITY IN ART AFFRONT ON WOMEN Rather than the female nude being the strength of the woman as created by her maker, it’s contrived as an affront to her. Feminine nudity in art is seen as transmuting the woman into a sexual object of men, the stuff of male ecstasy, desire and evil thoughts and not that of a complete human being. Is the world in a perpetual power struggle between men and women? Which is the most effective power between a woman’s and the brawn, raw, primitive disposition of man? By the virtue of who she is behind closed doors, the woman can take men to war as in the case of Helen of Troy and antique Israel in the form of Delilah through her soft power. Nudity in art or otherwise is her strength not a vehicle of objectification or weakness. Maja Borowicz NOT FOR KIDS As such, nude art is offensive just by the fact that only adults are allowed to see it. Most parents would not even allow their children to peruse art magazines, browse museum websites or art e-zines with glossy images of ancient nakedness. The impact of the images on kids once they start seeing dishabille in art is seen as another chief offense of nude art. No one actually Nudity in art, like change, is inescapable. Its offensive nature like beauty is in the eye of the beholder. It can be an article of high beauty, philosophically contrived and innovatively done figurine, photo, video or paint with all the merits of intelligent proportions, ratios of geometry and mathematics or a simple object of male or female lust that should be shunned. Whatever the comportment, nudity in art in any of its form displays men and women as being full of life, not corpses; the perfect peek at what it means to be human with a soul. Written By: Benson Mwang Page 52