Express Yourself MAGAZINE OC1 | Page 6

As for the external communication of a company, which is responsible the company you want. for image and displaying maintain the image that the specifically act on this image that is exhibiting. The external includes communication the following sub- areas: The world of business are in our hands marketing, which is linked to the satisfaction of the needs of consumers, the which responsible is promotion, for The Internal communication is encouraging the marketing and responsible for get sales or exposure of an idea human or a service. communication process where capital. focusing This is on a managers, directors and other The professional languages take modern with emphasis organizational can in employees are integrated what in is a company to operate and communication, flowing communication wishing care of external to develop within the company. communication of a company, Likewise knowledge flow and since and knowledge management are the technological tools to expose bases to improve and increase the company and improve or the potential of a company. it has linguistic To summarize, the professional in modern languages can perfectly handle the internal and external communication that is developed in a