Export Credit & Political Risk Insurance Monthly - Sample | Page 22

Export Credit & Political Risk Insurance Monthly Patient Satisfaction Enhance business with an independent export satisfaction rating In a fast and competitive marketplace, prospective importers need an accurate and reliable level of assurance before purchasing products and services. Exporters can now apply to receive an independent survey of actual patients with a verified rating regarding "Overall Satisfaction" from Business Data Logic. Survey results are not published and are used at the option of the survey sponsor for a period of two years. In most instances the cost for a survey and rating is only $975. Benefits: Qualified exporter with a superior rating can: 1. produce more new business, 2. lower insurance costs. Proven Satisfaction: Importer confidence in your business products services is critical for growth and new business. Boston Globe reported that "Researchers estimate that up to one-third of online reviews are phony." People want unbiased references before considering an insurance expert for testimony. Now, you can document proven satisfaction with an independent survey and rating with a 2%/5% margin of error in most cases. Page 21 - mm/yyyy Independent and Verified = Trust and Confidence Business Data Logic surveys and ratings are available for most businesses and professional practices. Survey and Rating Examples: Over 98% of importers were satisfied with the product and services provided by Widget Company in an independent survey by Business Data Logic. Over 96% of actual importers rated Widget Company as “Excellent” in products and services in an independent survey* by Business Data Logic. For more information go to www.businessdatalogic.info. In an independent survey* by Business Data Logic over 94% of actual importers indicated they would recommend Widget Company to other businesses.