Export Catalogue Semex Brazil Export Catalogue | Page 26
BW: birth weight (kg).
120W: weight at 120 days (kg).
210W: weight at 210 days (kg).
365W: weight at 365 days (kg).
450W: weight at 450 days (kg).
RFI: residual feed ingestion (kg of dry matter).
120MW: maternal for weight at 120 days (kg).
210MW: maternal for weight at 210 days (kg).
120MTW: maternal total for weight at 120 days (kg).
210MTW: maternal total for weight at 210 days (kg).
365SC: scrotal circunference at 365 (cm).
450SC: scrotal circunference at 450 dias (cm).
STAY: stayability (%).
REA: Rib Eye Area (cm²).
FAT: fat (cm²).
MARM: marbiling (mm).
MGTe: economic total genetic merit (%).
BW: birth weight (kg).
WW: weaning weight (kg).
450W: weight at 450 days (kg).
GPW: gain post weaning (g/days).
120W-ME: weight at 120 days – maternal efects.
DTM: direct total maternal.
WTM: weaning total maternal.
SC450: scrotal circunference at 450 days (cm).
AFB: age of first birth (days).
CWW: cow weight at weaning (kg).
STAY: stayability (%).
BCW: beef conformation at weaning (1-6).
BC450: beef conformation at 450 day (1-6).
REA (cm²): rib eye area.
FAT (mm): fat.
MARM: marbiling (1-10).
IQG: genetic qualification index.
WW-DE: weaning weight – direct effect (kg).
YW-DE: year weight - direct effect (kg).
450W-DE: weight at 450 days - direct effect (kg).
MW-ME: maternal weight - direct effect (kg).
WWMT: weaning weight maternal total.
AFB: age of first birth.
STAY: stayability.
365SC: scrotal circunference at 365 days (cm).
450SC: scrotal circunference at 450 days (cm).
E: estruture.
EM: early mature.
M: muscle.
REA: rib eye area (cm²).
FAT (mm): fat.
Índice ABCZ: ABCZ index.
BW: birth weight.
160D: gain per day at 160 days.
GPD: gain per day.
WBC: weaning beef conformation.
WEM: weaning early mature.
WM: weaning muscle.
Index: weaning index.
240D: gain per day at 240 days.
GPD400D: gain per day until 400 days.
400D: gain per day at 400 days.
400BC: beef conformation at 400 days.
400EMC: early mature conformation at 400 days.
SC: scrotal circunference.
FIndex: final index
BW: birth weight (kg).
120W-ME: weight at 120 days - maternal efects.
120W-TM: weight at 120 days – total maternal.
WW: weaning weight (kg).
TMW: total maternal weight.
YW: yearling weight.
GPD: gain per day.
BCW: beef conformation weaning.
BC450: beef conformation at 450 days.
SC: scrotal circunference.
REA: rib eye area.
Fat: fat.
IQG: genetic qualification index.