the image height to 0.8 ", and wrap text as Tight . Remove the background from the picture , keeping the suggested changes . Drag to position the graphic at the top-right corner of the left column , using the green alignment guides to position it in the top-right corner of the column .
15 Click immediately to the left of the last line in the document ,
5.000 beginning with For more information . Press ENTER . Click in the new blank paragraph , clear all formatting , and then insert a 3 × 4 table . Merge all cells in the first row and enter the textBonus Time Reservation Window . Bold and center the entry in row 1 .
16 In Row 2 , Column 2 , enter the text La Sonora and Wailaki .
In Row 2 , Column 3 , enter All Other Resorts . In Row 3 , enter the text Book Online , 83 days , and 36 days in Columns 1 , 2 , and 3 respectively . In Row 4 , enter the text Call Vacation Services , 80 days , and 32 days in Columns 1 , 2 , and 3 .
17 Shade row 1 with Orange , Accent 2 , Darker 25 %. Shade the
6.000 remaining rows with Orange , Accent 2 , Lighter 40 %. Select the entire table . Select a Pen Color of Orange , Accent 2 ,